3-6-9-12- The proper use of screens

Issue 44: 17/11/2023 From the Principal

This week, Claire Chartrain, vice-principal, introduces you to Serge Tisseron and the 3-6-9-12 method for an active, reasoned use of screens.

Learning to do without screens means learning to use them. So how can we support children and teenagers in their daily and sometimes compulsive use of screens?

According to the ESTEBAN study (Étude de Santé sur l’Environnement, la Biosurveillance, l’Activité physique et à Nutrition), co-conducted in 2020 by Santé Public France and Université Paris 13, children aged 8 to 12 spend almost 4.75 hours in front of screens (including smartphones), and this figure rises to 6.75 hours for teenagers aged 13 to 18. And adults? around 5 hours, excluding professional activities.

But behind these staggering figures lies a social reality that makes mastering digital tools increasingly essential for communication and in the workplace.

Have you heard of 3-6-9-12? It’s the strategy developed by Serge Tisseron, psychiatrist and screen specialist, to develop antidotes and family rules for taming screens and growing up with them, based on 4 fundamental principles: choose programs as a family, gradually limit screen time, talk about what children see or do on the Internet and social networks, and encourage their creativity. Easy to say, isn’t it? So for some practical advice, click on this link.

Marion Coupat
Principal of Secondary Campuses & Studies (French Stream)
