Our students’ educational paths

Issue 37: 22/9/2023 From the Principal

Educational pathways at FIS from Middle School to High School

Mr. Olivier Gazeau is one of the school’s leading figures! He has been with FIS since 1995, and has worked as a Conseiller Principal d’Education in recent years before joining the secondary school management team to oversee the BPR campus.

Today, he presents us with the four courses that mark out the schooling of students from 6eme to Terminale.

Marion Coupat, Principal of Secondary Campuses and Studies (French Stream)

What do we mean by “educational pathways”?

“In the French system, an educational pathway refers to a set of schemes and activities designed to support pupils throughout their school career, offering them complementary learning opportunities. These pathways are designed to foster pupils’ overall development, as a complement to traditional subject-based teaching.

Phased in since the start of the 2015 school year, the four educational pathways are: the health pathway, the future pathway, the artistic and cultural education pathway and finally the citizenship pathway.

The health pathway aims to promote students’ health and well-being, by tackling themes such as diet, physical activity, hygiene, prevention of risky behaviour, etc.

The future pathway is designed to help students build their educational and career plans, by providing information, discovering careers, meeting professionals and more.

The artistic and cultural education pathway aims to make students aware of the different forms of art and culture, by enabling them to take part in artistic projects, cultural outings, meetings with artists and so on.

The aim of the citizenship pathway is to train students in citizenship, making them aware of the values of the Republic, the rights and duties of citizens, secularism, equality, etc. It also includes actions to prevent and combat discrimination and school harassment, notably with the pHARe programme we’ve been running at LFI since 2018.

These educational pathways are integrated into school curricula and implemented by schools in conjunction with partners, often from local associations or other organisations. They contribute to the personal development of pupils and prepare them for civic and professional life.”

Olivier Gazeau, Deputy Principal (BPR Campus)

Marion Coupat
Principal of Secondary Campuses & Studies (French Stream)
