Series of portraits and what’s new on our campuses

Issue 03: 30/9/2022 From the Principal

Since we started last week, we will invite you every week to know more about our special needs teachers and psychologist who contribute to making FIS an inclusive school.

Series of portraits

Have you met the FLSco teachers who are working with your children on our Primary campuses?


2 FLSco teachers are teaching French to neo and non-French-speaking students at FIS this year.

What does FLsco mean?

FLSco stand for Français Langue de Scolarisation (French as a Language of Scolarity).

French is an international language. In 2022, 321 million people are French speakers in the world. French is a language of business and culture. It is said that the accent is irresistible.

At school, French is a language that we learn (speaking, reading, writing, grammar, spelling, etc.). It is also a language to learn other topics (math, science, history, etc.) and we use it to communicate with each other.

In the French Stream, a student who does not speak French or not enough is facing a double challenge. In the classroom, he or she must learn both the everyday language and the academic concepts in French. A French speaker who already knows the everyday language can use it to learn. 

You don’t learn a language by excluding but by relying on each other or on the languages spoken by the students. The classroom is a space of authorized plurilingualism while having precise language and multidisciplinary objectives.

Our primary mission is to facilitate the inclusion of new or non-French speaking students in this new environment by providing them with language support adapted to their needs.

What does a FLSco teacher do?

We are working on three levels: 


We are working in collaboration with both the teachers and the families in order to set up a relevant and coherent project to help the students to do well in school.

We start by evaluating the student’s needs to define a Projet Personnalisé de Réussite Linguistique (PPRL) (Personalized Project of Linguistic Achievement) set up and approved within the Educational Team. This project aims to define the specific objectives and detail progression, adaptations, mediums, methods of action and duration.

We are working as a small team in class, outside the classroom or in collaboration with the class teacher depending on the student’s profile

Our objective is to give the student space and time to speak and learn French to gradually start appreciating and wanting to communicate in French first at school and then in daily life.

Once at home, the student can continue to practice French with his parents and brothers and sisters thanks to the adapted resources provided.

What are the tools?

Students will start memorizing both vocabulary and syntax through games and idea sharing. Everything is subject to verbalization.

What’s new on our campuses?

Swimming started this week with our CE1 and CE2 in Jardine’s and CE2, CM1 and CM2 in TKO. Thank you to our Parent Volunteers.

Meriem Belhadj
Principal of Primary Campuses and Studies (French Stream)
