Welcome to the ADN exchange programme

Issue 59: 28/3/2024 , Strategic Objective: ,

FIS is once again participating in the ADN-AEFE exchange program, which allows 2nde students to spend 6 weeks immersed in another school within the AEFE network, and in return, host a student in their own daily life as a high school student.

Of course, this is also an opportunity for the student to discover another country by sharing the daily life of their host family.

170 high schools from all continents have participated in the ADN program.

This year, the FIS has opened 8 spots, and all our participating students have found a partner, with destinations as diverse as Panama, Porto, Bali, Vienna, San Francisco, Hamburg, and Madagascar.

Some of our students have already left, and the school is currently hosting two students from the French Schools of San Francisco and Tananarive.

Let’s hear Jeanne’s testimonial upon returning from Panama:

“Through the ADN exchange program, I had the privilege of finding myself on the other side of the world, specifically in Panama.

Here, I had the chance to discover a rich local culture, in the company of my partner and her family. I was able to explore the different aspects of this country, from the vibrant Panama City to the paradise beaches.

What made this experience even more enriching was living the daily life as a student at the French high school in Panama. I was warmly welcomed by my classmates, which allowed me to integrate easily and build connections with students from different backgrounds.

The ADN exchange program is much more than just a trip; it is a unique and unforgettable experience that has opened my eyes to the world.

Although this experience is coming to an end, I am grateful for everything it has brought me, and I will cherish precious memories within me.”

Hélène Ricordeau
Assistante du Département Orientation & Examens
