Global Competences and International Mindedness

Issue 56: 8/3/2024 From the Principal

We have been developing our programme for international-mindedness with an extra focus on global competencies. This is in line with the school’s sustainable development committee and the IEYC/IPC refocus.

Global Competences focuses students on actions they can take: recycling, gardening, composting, reducing food waste, and beach cleaning. This goes further to how students can explain essential messages to parents and their families about Fairtrade, Global warming, the importance of recycling, and the sustainability development goals (SDGs).

From 2020, the IEYC/IPC units your children study integrate the sustainability development goals (SDGs) appropriate to the unit.

Our mascot for Global Competences and International Mindedness is Earthy. 

FIS students, parents and staff have worked together to establish a shared definition of international mindedness, which is: being inclusive, respectful, accepting and open-minded about each other’s differences and cultures.

The Global Competences provides a set of competencies that are essential for students to thrive in the 21st century. These competencies are integrated into our curriculum. The competencies include:

Ross Armitage
Primary Principal (International Stream)
