Chiang Mai Experimental Learning Experience

Issue 53: 9/2/2024 , , Blue Pool Road, Tseung Kwan O News (Reflections and Achievements) 4ème , , ,

We, the 4èmes, were very privileged to be able to experience a trip to Chiang Mai this year between the 29th of January to the 3rd of February. We saw numerous educational locations such as the Wildflower Foundation, the Three Generation Farm, MakHam Pom, and finally Ban PangKwang School.

Firstly, at the Wildflower Foundation, we gained knowledge about the hardships that certain women have to go through and what this foundation is doing to help the women in need. Secondly, at the Three Generation Farm, we studied the everyday life of a Thai farmer. We were taught how to plant rice, make natural compost and how to make charcoal out of burnt corn cobs. In the afternoon, we viewed local and religious temples and made conversation with Buddhist monks about their lifestyles. Furthermore, we visited the village of MakHam Pom and played some drama games to understand more about one another and their culture. Afterwards, we discovered a small, local village of stateless people,  where we intervened with the locals and were taught how they made money. Last but not least, on the final day, we visited a local school called Ban PangKwang School. We started by painting the walls of their school. After having lunch, we helped serve ice cream to the children and taught the students some English, French, and games.

Overall, this experience was very educational and heartwarming. Even if we may not realise it now, we are endlessly privileged to have learnt a lot of valuable tools and made unforgettable memories and connections with the people of Chiang Mai.

4e Students
