Student Tech Ambassadors

Issue 50: 19/1/2024

As you know, many students are particularly fond of technology and it’s not uncommon to find young people who feel more comfortable with technology than some adults.

We’d like our students to take this opportunity to shine and demonstrate their abilities, whether it’s helping other students or assisting their teachers. It would give them a sense of responsibility whilst empowering them. Plus, it would reinforce a school culture where students become partners with teachers.

As a consequence, we would like to recruit a team of tech-savvy students able to troubleshoot many problems (hardware diagnosis, software advice…). Modelled after Apple’s “genius bar”, this help desk will allow teachers or students to ask for help or attend a training session. Online support using Google Chat will be available.

We will send a Google Form to students to look for volunteers with the necessary requirements.

The project is due to start next month.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Yann Houry
Director of Innovation and Educational Technology
