End of term one events and celebrations

Issue 47: 8/12/2023 From the Principal

Tuesday 12th December – Jacqueline Harmer Head of IPC is visiting IS Primary from the UK

This will be a tour of classrooms, IEYC and IPC displays, workbooks and facilities. Discussions with students and staff about learning.

Friday 15th December FIS  Christmas lunch (option to wear Christmas Dress)

Christmas lunch will take place in the canteens on all campuses, on the same day. Chartwells have communicated how to order and pay for students normally on packed lunches. Students have the option to wear Christmas party wear (safe footwear please), or FIS uniform.

Health and well-being parent workshops

Christmas Events

Early years and year one parents have received invites to register by Eventbrite.  The dates are Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December.

Teachers are communicating about Exit Points, Shared projects and Christmas activities via Home Learning letters.

Student Council

This week and next week our student council members are having Green Ambassador training with the French stream student council.

Ross Armitage
Primary Principal (International Stream)
