This Christmas Go Green and Colourful

Issue 44: 17/11/2023 , Blue Pool Road Notices (Upcoming Events) Y7, Y8, Y9, Y10, Y12, Y13, 6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème, 2nde, 1ère, Terminale

As December approaches, it is time to bring the spirit of Christmas back in our campuses, whilst promoting sustainable development. We are therefore delighted to present the “This Christmas Go Green and Colourful” project, organised by the art students in 1ere.

The goal of this collaborative project is to create a Christmas tree entirely decorated with origami pieces. 🌟 🎄  🎅

In order to do this , each student/teacher/staff member will have to make an origami from the provided templates (butterfly, star or crane). 

You’ll need:

You can drop off your origami in the art room 108 0r at Vie Scolaire from 27 to 30 November.

“This Christmas Go Green” aims to encourage responsible consumption. Together, we can celebrate Christmas in a sustainable way, while building links through the FIS community as well as a welcoming environment within our school.

Project Managers: Calie and Camille (in 1ere Specialty Arts)

Locations: Room 108 and VS – BPR 

Dates: Origami deposit on December 1st or before

Installation of the Christmas tree: December 4 and 5 – G/F-BPR

Further information @creart852


Isabelle Bezançon
RDD ARTS dpt - Secondary Visual Arts Teacher
