Successful start to the year for PIM
A great start!
The launch of PIM (Pôle Informatique et Mathématique) was a great success! From the very first days, students have been coming to use resources in room 𝝅 (BPR room 314). Many show up at the lunchtime “open house” sessions to take up Mahjong or chess. Some more adventurous students try their hand at Chinese checkers or Xiangqi (Chinese chess). Finally, others take advantage of the presence of a math teacher to guide them in solving ambitious problems, such as the Animaths cup exercises or entrance exams for selective higher education schools.
On the TKO campus, open house sessions are held on Wednesdays at lunchtime, giving students the chance to play chess with their peers. In addition, a project focusing on mathematical problem-solving, in conjunction with the primary school, is currently underway.
PIM is delighted to welcome two student initiatives: the chess club and the maths-sciences club.
The chess club has existed on the BPR campus for several years. It is run by two talented students who are now in 2nde. Members meet every Thursday at 12:30pm in room 𝝅 and Fridays at 12:30pm in room 213.
The maths-sciences club was created this year under the impetus of a group of 2nde students who came together around their passion for problem-solving. PIM opened the doors of room 𝝅 to them, which they use on Fridays from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.
Students of all levels are welcome to join one of these clubs!
In addition to clubs and open days, PIM also offers workshops that enable students to put their skills to the test in areas not usually covered in the conventional school curriculum.
The workshops already offered by PIM at the beginning of the year focus on :
- Maths for Prep School (BPR)
- Introduction to Mahjong (BPR)
- Web development (BPR)
- Introduction to the game of chess (TKO)
Coming Soon
Numerous workshops will be held over the coming weeks. As a teaser, here are the themes that will be on offer after the autumn break:
- Introduction to the Python language (TKO)
- Preparation for the Castor competition (BPR and TKO)
- Introduction to Xiangqi (BPR)
- Video production and editing (BPR and TKO)
- Bridging the transition between the Primary and Secondary (TKO)
Other initiatives are in the works, so keep an eye on FIS’s communication channels!