Year 9 ideas for the BPR campus

Issue 13: 16/12/2022 Blue Pool Road News (Reflections and Achievements) Y9 ,

In the November sunshine, Year 9 visited M+ museum in the West Kowloon Cultural District. A thematic tour and workshop in the museum provided an entry point for an IMYC unit focusing on community

In a follow-up activity during creative studies lessons, the students used ideas from M+ to inform designs that would develop the Blue Pool Road campus for the school community. Last week they took the opportunity to present their designs to Nicolas Konefal, Project Manager / Deputy Head of Facilities and Development at FIS. The presentations made use of a variety of methods to convey ideas – digital and hand drawn, images and videos – showing the creativity of our students.

M. Konefal observed closely the presentations and provided professional feedback as well as he questioned the students further about their ideas, valuing their input. 

(attached are images taken from a selection of the presentations)

Bruce Woolley
Leader of Learning for creative arts, teacher of creative studies
