What is an IEYC/IPC Entry Point?

Issue 05: 14/10/2022 Tseung Kwan O, Jardine's Lookout, Chai Wan News (Reflections and Achievements) Nursery (NS), Reception (RC), Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6

An Entry Point is a wow moment to engage FIS learners into their new IEYC or IPC unit

The Entry Point is an exciting and memorable event that launches every IPC unit. The aim of the entry point is to get children thinking about, and engaged with the learning that’s to follow.

In the IEYC the early years students went on a bear hunt as part of the “World around us unit”.

In Year Six in primary had a doctors surgery as part of the “Being Human Unit”.

Ross Armitage
Principal of International Primary
