Book club

Issue 04: 7/10/2022 Blue Pool Road News (Reflections and Achievements) 1ère

The book club imagined by our French Stream students from 1ère B has met for the first time on Wednesday 5th October to talk about the last books they read.

Aliénor presented Le Grand Meaulnes, by Alain-Fournier. She was sensitive to the dreamlike and mysterious atmosphere of this impressive and elegant work.

Elise selected Furie Divine, from J.-R. Dos Santos: a historical thriller which sheds light on the psychological motivations of future jihadists.

Juliette talked about L’Ane d’or from Apulée, in the tradition of the great metamorphosis stories from Antiquity.

Mr Loggia introduced Taormine d’Yves Ravey, a favourite for the literary prizes for fall 2022, which can be described as a sentimental drama and a political reflection on migrants.

To conclude, the participants shared the reflections of Susan Sontag in her essay “Against Interpretation”: any reading of the text is admissible, especially when it is instinctive, immediate and sensitive.

Yanis Loggia
Literature teacher
