TERM IN ART 2021 Exhibition by the Terminale Specialisation and Option students

4 June 2021News

This year, 8 students from Terminale Arts Speciality and 4 in Arts Option will present their productions during the exhibition from 11 to 18 June on the Blue Pool Road campus, 5th floor. Encouraged by their teacher Isabelle Bezançon, they have invested themselves in presenting a beautiful exhibition which highlights their talent and the quality of their work over the last two years.

The productions are sensitive and original, made with various techniques (drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, model, embroidery, clothes, gif, stop motion, video…) and on various supports, with a bias for presentation devices favouring the diffusion of the work and the solicitation of the spectator.

Our young artists were able to develop a collaborative or individual artistic project while questioning the staging of the image, the creative process from the project to the realization of a monumental work and the drawing machines and protocols.

Several of them have favoured digital creations and new ways of producing images. As such, a cinema space will be installed in the exhibition and will allow the broadcasting of several animations.

It is also important to underline that each student wanted to support Make it Work HK, an association created by the French Chamber of Commerce Foundation. The latter tries to help 550,000 workers living beneath the poverty line, whose monthly income is less than HK$4,000.

You can support and make a donation to the association: https://makeitwork.hk/

From the project, to the creation of the works, the poster, the brochure presenting each of our artists, the setting up of the exhibition, to the invitation of the public, each step has been thought out and reflected upon by these young art specialists.

To find out more about each one, join the virtual gallery on Facebook & Instagram.

Let’s not forget that the FIS is also the only school in the Asia zone offering the Arts speciality. The budding artists of the Class of 2021 are the creatives of tomorrow, and no doubt they will succeed in their field.

The artists of the Class of 2021 & Isabelle Bezançon

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