When AI provides feedback
Last week, we shared this beautiful infographic showing the four parts of feedback in the form of a thick sandwich. These four parts should mention the positive aspects of the work done, the areas for improvement, the recommendations and finally the encouragement.
It would be interesting to show students how they can benefit from artificial intelligence, enabling them to improve their work and obtain feedback themselves. In this way, they can anticipate possible difficulties and compensate for possible unsatisfactory results in the absence of sufficient help.
When I talk about a lack of help, I simply mean that sometimes students are faced with their essay and there is no one to help them (you don’t always have a parent, tutor or sibling who has the time to look at your work).
Using AI to get feedback is extremely simple. For example, you can ask chatGPT (via Poe) to provide advice on how to improve your work. From this point of view, it would be useful to teach students how to write the best prompt to obtain the best possible results. For Google Docs users, you can also use the Brisk extension, which has a Feedback button (and an option called Glow & Grow, not unlike our infographic). All you have to do is tell the AI what you’d like the feedback to be about, and that’s it.