Upcoming HoS Engagement Dates / Sustainable Development Film Festival
A year ago, prior to starting my tenure at the school, I was sharing an Entry Plan to explain what I would be doing in year one. In this plan, you could read:
“Much of the first term will be dedicated to introductory meetings, focus groups, and individual interviews of students, faculty and staff, and parents on all four campuses… Much of the second term of 2022-2023 will be dedicated to reviewing the existing plans on the basis of the learning and observations made during the implementation of this Entry Plan”.
Before the end of the year, you will have two opportunities to hear me report on my learnings and findings. Please mark your calendars!
On 22nd May, at the Annual General Meeting held in Jardine’s Lookout and online, I will spend time explaining what I learned in my engagements with the various groups of stakeholders, as well as through my daily experience of being a Head of School. I will also give a quick preview of the priorities for the years to come. On 13th June, 6-8 pm, during a special session held with our Board Chair Hervé Robin in the auditorium of our TKO campus and followed by a reception, we will provide a much deeper understanding of the school’s strategy for the coming years.
Today, as a teaser below, I am sharing two visuals to illustrate some of the analysis of the focus groups with students and individual meetings with faculty and staff. In both cases, I asked what brings participants joy at FIS. I hope you will find the results below interesting and I look forward to sharing much more in the coming weeks!
On another note, I would encourage you to read and pay attention to the email received from the school this morning on our Sustainable Development Film Festival. After our December climate day, the 9th May and 20th May events respectively in Jardine’s and TKO are a fantastic opportunity to share a community and learning moments with your children on topics related to sustainability, as well as to see the extraordinary work done by our FIS students on topics related to the 4Ps of People, Planet, Peace and Prosperity.
Warm regards,
Dr. Emmanuel Bonin
Head of School
(note: SDG = Sustainable Development Goals)
(Methodology: I facilitated all the meetings with students, faculty and staff, and parents. For each, there was an interview protocol with open-ended questions (What brings you joy at FIS; what are your greatest aspirations; what could be improved at the school; etc.)
For students and faculty and staff, I recorded all answers, coded them in themes and led a quantitative analysis. For parents, I am sharing the main comments that surfaced for each of the questions.)