Innovative “Ma Petite Planète” challenge starting on 13th March!
Last autumn, students in the GS year group (French Stream) at the Jardine’s Lookout Campus took part in Ma Petite Planète (MPP). We are happy to announce that FIS is now rolling out MPP to the GS/Y1 and CP/Y2 classes. All Secondary sustainability ambassadors from both streams will be participating too.
MPP is an ecological team-based game that originates in France and aims to accelerate the shift towards more sustainable practices.
Our students will select age-appropriate challenges linked to the Sustainable Development Goals. Through their participation, students—individually and with their classmates—as well as their families are invited and encouraged to take action for the environment.
These three weeks of fun and focused effort put group dynamics, cooperation, and solidarity at the centre. Organised into categories such as Food, Mobility, Climate, and Creativity, challenges range from the playful (“Hug a big tree”) to the serious (“Write a letter with your team to ask the government for household composting bins”).
Equipping students to positively influence the behaviour of others, at school and at home, is an explicit objective of Ma Petite Planète. So make sure to ask your child about the game, discuss their choice of challenges, and, above all, allow yourself and the entire family to get swept up in this spirited challenge for a better planet!