Mock Examinations for IBDP and IGCSE Students
Between 26 January and 14 February our Y13 IBDP and Y11 IGCSE students have completed 122 examination papers as part of their mock examinations!
Mock examinations are a crucial part of our students’ learning journeys. They help the students and teachers see what grades they are currently achieving, however, even more important is what the students can learn from the examination experience. Each subject teacher will give valuable feedback to so that students can identify what areas they need to focus on when preparing for the IB and IGCSE exams in term 3. Students can also identify issues related to time-management or exam technique, or even issues caused by lack of sleep or stress. These are all things we can work on. During our upcoming PSHE sessions, our Y11 and y13 Form Tutors are helping the students identify areas to be developed and supporting them in finding ways to do so.
A key message is that they are not alone. They each have a support crew made up of family, friends, subject teacher, form tutors, M. Philippe, myself and the Health Team – including our school counselor.