From the Principal’s Desk

Issue 10: 25/11/2022 From the Principal

IEYC/IPC Personal Goals

This half term, our assemblies have focused on the IEYC/IPC personal goal: Resilience. 

To be resilient, I aim to develop strategies and practise them in order to improve, even though I may not always achieve success.

Je développe des stratégies et des outils pour continuer à m’améliorer même si je ne réussis pas toujours

We have assemblies at TKO and JL for years two to year six at an age-appropriate level. Assemblies focus on personal goals and international festivals. They always included student participation on stage and lots of interaction regarding the personal goals and house points! 

On the parent portal on MyLFIS IS Primary, we have a parent guide to personal goals and how links can be made from home to school. 

Reporting to parents

Last academic year, we led a consultation on reporting to parents. Parents asked for more detail on what areas students need to work on in terms two and three at the end of term one. Also, access to external test results in the students complete from year two to year six. In January, you will receive a new Learning Advice Information Report, which replaces the interim report. In June, you will receive a new look end-of-year report with both teacher assessment and external assessment data, plus well-being and teacher comments. 

Please follow our learning and classroom activities on IS Primary Twitter.

Ross Armitage
Primary Principal (International Stream)
