FISCA – French International School Community Association

Issue 01: 16/9/2022 Strategic Objective:

First of all we would like to warmly welcome all the new families joining FIS this year. And a huge welcome back to all our returning families! We hope you had a marvellous summer and are as excited as us to begin the new term with some fantastic news: FISCA is ready to be launched!

FISCA aims to create a strong community spirit between the International and French Streams across all of our four campuses and further enrich our children’s school experience with the contribution from parents, teachers and the entire community.

We are working on a calendar of amazing events for our students during the upcoming year. There will be many opportunities for you to volunteer, get to know other parents, and enhance your child’s experience at school! If you have some time to spare, ideas or suggestions or any specific skills you would like to contribute, please reach us at and share your story with us. We will be looking for various levels of engagement; one hour, one day or a regular commitment, we welcome all!

Certain committees are already well established including the Sustainability Committee which, we are proud to announce, received the highest sustainability certification from the AEFE (Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger) this year! Other areas we need volunteers for would be: Events, Operations, Treasury, Wellbeing, Hospitality, Liaison, Marketing, Administration, etc. The choice is yours!

We look forward to welcoming you to the FISCA Team.

